Substance Abuse Programs - Hudson, CO.
There are several different types of alcohol and drug abuse treatment facilities in Hudson, Colorado which addicted clients can take advantage of. As an example, there are substance abuse rehab facilities in the Hudson, Colorado area which work specifically with someone who has a brief history of substance abuse and may possibly benefit from a short term drug rehabilitation program which will require the client to stay in treatment for about a month or less. There are also more extensive and long term substance abuse rehabilitation programs in Hudson, Colorado which call for a stay of 3 months or longer, depending on the client's history of drug abuse and other circumstances including co-occurring mental health problems. Alcohol and drug abuse treatment services can be done on an outpatient basis or an inpatient basis, with inpatient substance abuse rehab services providing significantly better success rates because of a greater quality of rehabilitation facility.
- Institute for Alcohol Awareness of
1424 8th Avenue
Greeley, CO. 80631 - Active Counseling and
1220 11th Avenue
Greeley, CO. 80631 - Certified Addiction Trt for Substances
800 8th Avenue
Greeley, CO. 80631 - Peaceful Solutions
710 11th Avenue
Greeley, CO. 80632